My first book, Sometimes it Sucks to be Human is ready to be released, in Draft Form. While I would have loved to have a final version to share at this time, it involves more work than is possible at the moment. In addition, I would love to have a print version for sale, but I would not only need the final version to make that happen, but also the funds to create one. The good news is that is my ultimate intention, however it will possibly take a time to make that happen.
If you are interested in reading my book, I hope that will not stop you from acting on getting an electronic, PDF copy at this time. With your purchase, you will be able to receive free PDF updates as they become available.
I am doing things this way out of urgency. My financial situation is desperate, having dealt with ovarian cancer and the effects of treatment the last two-plus years. So many times, too, we hold back on doing things because they aren't in that perfect, end stage. I did not want that to happen. Quite frankly, I could not afford to have that happen.
Tomorrow is an assumption that we make that may never be given to us. Among other things, I thought it might be interesting for some to see "behind the curtain." So often the standards that we subscribe to are polished gems that started out as anything but that. But while we think that the perceived standard is what was started with, we can often feel stymied in making our own progress.
To follow is information that will tell you what you may need, or like to know, as well as some options you can exercise if you would like to buy the e-book. You can choose an amount to pay for the book alone, or you can choose an option that gives you a few things in exchange for your purchase.
My hope is that it all makes sense. If you have any questions about it, please feel free to ask.
Sometimes it Sucks to be Human
Thank you for jumping into the middle of my story. Someone once told me that I could not write "my story" in dealing with cancer. Apparently there are already too many of those.
The fact is that my story with cancer is really My Story - with cancer. There is a big difference. My story is really about LIFE and LIVING, about the things that have happened in my life that countless people have found fascinating enough to ask me when I was going to write a book.
Well. For better or worse, here is "a" book. It was written during a relatively short time in my life, but talks about many different parts and aspects of my life. It is about so much more than the "c" word.
It is about pain, fear and love. It is about relationships. It is about aspects of life that make life worth living, and it is about aspects that are times when it sucks to be human.
To read the first 20 pages, and to get a feel of the book and writing style, please click here,
To Donate please choose amount below.
You will be able to get all PDF updates
for free as they become available.
**THE BOOK IS A LARGE FILE (75K+ words), and
Paypal will take you directly to download the PDF.
Please be patient for the download to begin.**
You will be able to read the book on your Nook,
and on any device that allows for PDF documents.
If you would like a gift in exchange, I am working on getting the pages together to allow for that to happen automatically. In the meantime, I will list what the levels will be, and if you'd like to take advantage of the gifts offered at a specific level in the meantime, please choose your donation amount, and email me at my Paypal address, and let me know that you'd like to redeem what is offered at that level.
While I would like everything to go smoothly, my guess is there will be blips. I am still having foggy issues due to chemo treatment, and will be administrating this mostly by myself at the moment. I am still actively dealing with issues around the cancer diagnosis. Even creating this page has been a challenge, so please understand that there may be some hiccups.
Ideally each level will have its own Buy Now button and administration, but until I can make that happen, the above "BUY NOW" will serve that purpose. If you would like to redeem the items at a level listed, PLEASE BE SURE TO EMAIL ME and let me know that is what you would like to do, and we will make the appropriate arrangements. If you do not email me separately, I will take it to mean that you are uninterested in a reciprocal gift. If you do not hear a response from your email, please assume that I did not get it, and follow up with me again.
Above all, please be patient. This is an ambitious undertaking for me at this time, and I am going to to my best to have things run as smoothly as possible. My apologies in advance for any problems or issues. I am going to to the best I can with any redemptions.
To be clear, unless I hear from you after your purchase, you will NOT receive any of the following for your donation. To receive any of the following, you will need to send your payment and then contact me separately at my Paypal address to redeem the items being offered.
Your patience and understanding is appreciated. I am greatly challenged at the moment, and will do the best I can to make everything right.
Thank you for for your interest, and for helping me get the word out. A few early comments have been positive, so I am hoping the trend will continue, and that you will find what I have written to be of interest and valuable in some way.
The following levels are available. Please just be sure to contact me separately to make arrangements to redeem. The print will need to be mailed. All others items will be delivered electronically. The book will be delivered with your payment, all other items will come separately, and upon request ONLY.
Sometimes it Sucks to be Human Ebook (free PDF updates)+Recipe Ebook+Pure Love:The Gift MP3

1 Cedonaah Heart Print 8x10+Sometimes it Sucks to be Human Ebook (free PDF updates)+ Recipe Ebook+Pure Love:The Gift MP3
2 Cedonaah Heart Prints 8x10+Sometimes it Sucks to be Human Ebook (free PDF updates)+ Recipe Ebook+Pure Love:The Gift MP3
$50 (or higher)
Sherri Robbins Good and Plenty Album (via MP3s)+2 Cedonaah Heart Prints 8x10+Sometimes it Sucks to be Human Ebook (free PDF updates)+ Recipe Ebook+Pure Love:The Gift MP3
Thank you so much for your assistance in any way you feel you can help, even if it is "just" to get the word out. You can find me on Facebook at, or comment below, or contact me via my contact info here
Thank you for your support.
PS If you have read it, please feel free to share your thoughts and comments on it below, as it may help others to decide if they would be interested in reading it as well. While I would love for all comments to be wonderful and supportive, your perspective is valued, so please feel free to share your perspective, as long as it is honest and respectful. I would also appreciate if you would also consider the context of the work and its status within your range of comments. Thanks.
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