

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Recipe Booklet

Having an experience with cancer is often no joke. I say that because I wanted to somehow play off of the fact that today is April Fool's Day, and it is the day that I am releasing Version 1 of my recipe booklet. I have created it because I am in desperate need to raise funds.

I have been dealing with cancer now for about 2 years, and it is difficult to have to be asking for help over and over. If I had received the money that I had requested in the beginning, I would not be in this position right now. However, with the help I have received I got farther than I could have dreamed of on my own.

But the thing is...I NEED help! Desperately. I keep trying different things, and keep hoping that I will find the *1* thing that will work. The one thing that will interest people enough that they would get something in exchange for something that will help me.

There is a chance I could be getting the high risk HIPEC surgery. It is a surgery that can easily last 10-12 hours, and afterward I would be in ICU for a few days, and then hope for the best. It is an extreme surgery, and I will likely not be able to do much of anything except lay in a hospital bed for a while. When I had my hysterectomy I was in the hospital 17 days.

It is hard enough to try to function now, but at least I can do things. Can you imagine what it would be like to be in my position? Some people think they know. But if you aren't self-employed, single, and with no kids, barely able to work, and down to your last bit of funds, then you might not really know.

I tell you all of this not for pity. Not for a "woe is me." But more as a way of trying to do my best to explain my predicament, and why you might want to purchase my recipes, and ask others to, too.

There are 30 of them at the moment. I am charging $5. There will be a fee taken out by Paypal. I will wind up with about $4.50 for each one sold. Because of the urgency, I am putting the booklet out in a quasi-raw form. I would love to make it look prettier at some point. I would also love to add some more recipes. In time, that is the plan. Any purchase you make now will have you eligible for any upgrades for free, so you don't have to wait for the "finished" version to buy it/help me.

I will try to get up a page somewhere that is more formal than this, and perhaps more easily accessible. However, we will see how that goes. I have a lot to do in the next few weeks - especially if there will be surgery.

I would really appreciate your help in getting the word out. I would really appreciate you buying a copy, and asking others to. I am running out of viable options, and really hope that this one will take off, not only now, but over the next several weeks, when I will need the help the most.

Here is a list of the recipes that are included:

Individual Thin Crust Pizzas
Pizza Casserole 
Chicken Parmesan 
Fried Cheese Sticks 
Baked Ziti 
Oven Fried Chicken 
Chicken Fajitas 
Cream of Potato Soup 
Sloppy Joe Seasoning Mix 
Bread and Butter Pickles 
Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Ginger Snaps 
Chocolate Meringues
Drop Butter (Sugar) Cookies 
Coconut Balls
Easy Waffles 
Blueberry Sourdough Pancakes 
Homemade Pancake Mix 
Deliciously Rich French Toast 
Pumpkin Bread 
Banana Bread 
Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins*
Apple Crisp 
Mini Cheesecakes 
Pumpkin Pie + Crust 
Fruity Pie 
Chocolate Pudding 
Whipped Cream Icing 
Chocolate Sauce 

*Included when update is published only.

You can buy it for $5 through this pay button and Paypal.

If you would like to donate more than $5,
you can use this drop down menu to choose an option:

Thank you so much for any assistance you may offer. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please let me know.

With much Love,


  1. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. My thoughts and prayers and positive energy are on their way to you! I am so glad to be able to help you! You are Courageous! You will beat this!

  2. Thanks Lesa! I appreciate all good energy and thoughts.

  3. I think it's admirable you are trying so many different things to raise funds.
