

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Opposing View

I recently began to read one of Suzanne Somer's books.
In it, she interviews a number of people who support
alternatives to Chemotherapy.

One of the things that I find fascinating about it is that
those who are for alternatives are VERY passionate,
and believe in what they are saying, and seem to be
making a difference for those they treat.

They are very much at odds with the current climate
and institution of medicine.

It made me think of myself.

In my experience as a hypnotist, I have often found
myself at odds with the "institution" of hypnosis.
Some people have claimed that I should get training
because I believe what I do.  The fact is I DO have
training, but my experience tells me otherwise.

My experience puts me in the same place as those
doctors who practice alternative types of treatment.

Two sides.  Who is right?

I never said the other side is wrong, as I do not
believe they are.  What I am saying is that there is
more to the story that, when left out, can be misleading.

In regard to medicine, I have no chance to ever become
a doctor at this point in my life, but if I did, I would
be indoctrinated in the same way that anyone who
goes into a profession is.

It is those who are willing to see things differently
that often can make the differences.  Of course,
the illusion of time passing will say something, but
I am not sure that it will reveal who was necessarily
right or wrong.

All it will do is reveal what came to be.  Nothing is
absolute.  Nothing is certain.  No one has THE
answer.  Whether or not it is time for me to leave
is something that no human can answer with
absolute certainty.  Whether or not there is
someone or something else that knows, I haven't
a clue.

I suppose the key is for me to take one moment
at a time, one step at a time.  In some ways, it is
no different than it was before that conversation
I had with the doctor around noon this past Monday.

I am just a bit more keenly aware that the clock
will not forever keep ticking for me in this body.
Something I always intellectually knew...but now
has become a much deeper part of my awareness.

Funny how that happens.  I have heard of people
becoming aware of their mortality, and the lessons
that were learned.  They sounded wise.  They
sounded good.  They sounded heartfelt.  Practical.

Now they not only sound like mine, they are mine.

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