out the door the morning of chemo.
myself to sleep the night before chemo.
It is getting harder and harder to get
myself to do the things I need to do to
prepare the night before.
It is getting harder and harder to get
myself to do what I need to prepare
days before.
Maybe unconsciously I figure if I don't
do the things I need to, I am not going
or won't need to go. If I don't go to
sleep, the day of chemo will never come.
I more than suspect this needs to be
come to terms with somehow. After
today I will be one third of the way
through, with 12 more to go.
Part of what I am feeling likely has to
do with the Port issue. Today I will
consult with someone about the Port
and the PICC.
I am hopeful s/he will tell me that an
arm port is a possibility. I have
decided that part of my resistence
to the Port is definitely psychological.
It isn't so much about it being in me,
even though I am not thrilled about
that, either. It is more about where
it is placed, or even more to the
point, the scar it will leave.
I think I will be able to handle it
better, if it is in my arm. I think I
might prefer the PICC, but it will
mean more care and caution, and
likely cost, as I will need to flush
it atleast once a day, and maybe
twice, and I will have to buy the
supplies to do that.
I am feeling much better now.
Amazing what a difference a day
The nurses were able to find a
vein pretty easily today. It only
took two tries. They feel so
badly about doing it. I really
tried to put them at ease, as I
am really OK with it.
At one point in my life my sister
called me a wimp when it came
to pain and physical things.
When I hear tales of other
people's experiences, I tend to
think I need to get rid of that
conversation in my head. The
nurses often seem surprised
by my choices and how I react
to things.
I was really happy, too, that
I did not have to get a brain
MRI. I was told to get one
after I described symptoms
that, to me, sounded like what
they refer to as chemo brain.
The nurse told me the doctor
was just being careful. When
I thought about it, though, I
didn't want more radiation.
My body has been through so
I really suspect that many
people just do what the doctor
says, and do not ask questions.
I was told the Port, if I got one,
would be put in my chest when
I was first told about it.
When I looked online - the thing
I did not want to - I read that
some people got ports in their
arm. Interestingly, and
intriguing to me, is that many
do not seem to know about an
arm port.
When I had my consult yesterday
I was told that an arm port was
a possibility, no problem. It was
a relief. I would so much rather
have it there for various reasons.
So...I am getting a port...and...
even better, I dare say I think I
feel good about it.
As I think about it, I wonder if it
was my intuition guiding me in the
search. I would have been in such
a different place about getting one,
if it had to be in my chest.
The "bad" news about it is that
I have to keep it for approximately
3 months after the chemo is complete.
The reason is that they will do a
follow up scan, and if there is any
reason they feel they need to do
more chemo, it is best if it is still in.
Given that anesthesia is given to
take it out and put it in, and the fact
that the procedure has risks, it
makes sense to me. But I am mixed
in my feelings about it, as you might
imagine, especially if you know me.
If, at any point I need to fly, I can
probably look forward to a TSA
patented patdown, as the port is
made of titanium, so I will definitely
beep if I was to go through a metal
detector, and I refuse to let them
body scan me. If that happens, I
am sure to come back and share my
Last night the driver who took me
to the train told me that he would
like to open a center for abused
women. It was an opportunity for
me to share a past relationship
experience with him, and offer
some perspective.
He, like many people (one of which
used to be me) doesn't understand
why a woman would stay in an
abusive relationship. In speaking
with him, I not only shared what
happened with me, but also insight
regarding how our unconscious
mind works, and how it contributes
to an unhealthy situation. I
explained that for some, pain can
be how the unconscious mind says
it is loved. Take away the pain, and
the person feels like they will lose
that feeling of love.
I know it sounds wild to some, but
we make unconscious associations
all of the time, and once the
association is made, the unconsious
mind now considers it familiar, and
therefore comfortable. As a result
it fights to maintain it, and seeks
it out over and over.
It was an amazing conversation that
we got to have because it took
forever to get to the train because
of unanticipated construction. I
didn't actually think about that til
now. My train was also delayed,
Maybe as an insurance policy for me,
but even with the construction delay
we still made it in time.
That is two weeks now I made it to
the station in time for my scheduled
train, only to be delayed by the train,
itself. So many weeks due to my
treatments and scheduling, I had to
move to a later train. A bit ironic.
I also had a interesting conversation
with the morning driver about different
facets and experiences in my life.
He was fascinated by me. He thought
my stories were great. I find that
others do, too, and I am not yet sure
what that is telling me, other than perhaps
perhaps reaffirm for me that I need to
write, talk, and share. Perhaps it was
showing me that in my presence and
experience I have value.
I spend so much time alone. It isn't
good for me. I feel so energized when
I get to share things with people. I even
told one of the hospital workers
about a homemade cream for my hair
that worked really well. I just now need
to find the recipe. I can be a sharing
information machine, when given the
opportunity. I told another woman
about a Reiki Group that might help
her mother.
It is no wonder the person going to
treatment wasn't the same one going
I have been exploring, and asking
questions..it would seem I might just
be getting answers. I am also
reminded of a short tale I wrote
called Living Life in Reverse. If
you click the title, you can read it
for yourself, if you like, and let me
know what you think.
I am really liking how I am feeling
mentally at the moment...now my
body just needs to catch up.
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