A while ago I started a new thing: 30 Days. 30 Causes. 30 Dollars. With everything that is going on, I got to Day 9, and that is where it stopped. I kind of laughed to myself every time that I thought about it. I wasn't sure if I ever said it would be 30 CONSECUTIVE days, and even if I did, the minute that what logically followed as Day 10 came and went, that possibility went *poof.*
I wanted to continue it, that is for sure. I guess I just wasn't sure when or how, and the last thing I needed was one more thing - slash pressure - to worry about. Well, today I saw a request, and it was from someone who had offered his musical talents for a fundraiser in the NY area, if someone else was willing to orchestrate it. Sadly, it never happened. But it doesn't matter. I so loved that he made the generous offer.
So today, I give you my Day 10 that involves support for him and his musical talents. He is looking to create his second album, and have it produced and ready to go by his 60th! (really Dave?! I had no idea) birthday next year.
If you'd like to see more about him and his work, here is the campaign link: http://igg.me/p/dave-rudbarg-s-new-album-beloved/x/2736474 I will also note that he was on my World of Perspective Radio show in its earlier incarnation. If you'd like a taste of it, you can listen in the video below. The conversation comes from "life coach Dave." If you want the full show, the link referenced isn't active, but you can find it at Blogtalkradio.com/world-of-perspective.
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