A while ago I started a new thing: 30 Days. 30 Causes. 30 Dollars. Today I chose help for the furry friends of the planet.
Three cats - a momma and two kittens - were rescued, and needed help There is currently a fundraising effort to help them get what they need to be taken care of.
The campaign only runs another few days, so if you want to help, now would be the time. I saw a comment that someone posted that said something to the effect that he wished he could help. I had wanted to say that even $1 helps, but the screen froze up and I wound up "anonymous" without being able to comment.
I really wish I could in some way help people to see that they CAN help. That every $1 DOES make a difference. It is kind of sad that the time most realize this fact is when they, themselves are in need (it certainly was my moment of awakening).
Seriously. It DOES make a difference, and if you like to support the Animal Nation, this is one thing you can do to do that. I certainly have a soft spot for the animals, and cats in particular, and if you do, too, this would be a perfect opportunity to help.
I had said a while ago that I was going to be more vigorous about donating $1 to those in need whose need I became aware of. Many of the days in this #303030 adventure I went looking for people. These last 2 came looking for me. It is quite likely I think that I will do more days like this. I think it is a good way for me to act upon what I believe.
Recently someone sent me something from Seth Godin's Blog. It was on a particularly tough day. It seems appropriate to share it now, and in this context. If you have a moment, click here and see what Seth Godin has to say about giving. His message is short and sweet. Then you can click the link he provides, go to any number of other sites that list those in need, or you can come back here and help these animals and the humans who ask for help on their behalf (click the highlighted words). And then, better still, you can go to sleep with a smile on your face knowing how easy it was for you to truly can make a difference for someone.
Want to take it a step further? Share this concept with others. Imagine what an incredible difference it would make in the world if one day each and every person took a dollar and gave it to someone in need. The thought, quite frankly, blows my mind. In the best possible way of course. I wonder if there would be some way to start that movement. Anyone got any ideas?
Even if not, the $1 you contribute still does matter.
Thanks, and have a good night.
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