

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

For the Record

Alexa.com tells you information about websites. If a website doesn't have much traffic, it may not even show up with a rank (on the other end of the spectrum, Facebook is #2). I thought I would check out my blog and radio show. I think the last time I checked the blog it was around 10 Million. I think. Because I don't remember, I thought I would make a record of it so that when I next look, I will have something definitive to compare it to. 

While the numbers may not be all that impressive to some, it means something to me that they are even being ranked. I think it is pretty awesome. And I love that something seems to be happening. Here's to my continued movement - UPWARD ONLY - Please! LOL.

Sometimes I debate about how open I should be about everything - especially now that I am looking for people to come and be guests and advertisers. But I keep thinking that it will be of interest to those who might be sitting on the sidelines wondering what to do or how to do it or if they should do it or how it is for someone else or...any number of things.

Any new venture has one thing in common. It's new. At the same time it is built upon what has come before. Even the birth of a baby is built upon what came before. The parents had to come together. And how they got there was part of it. And the full grown adult that you are is built upon that baby self, a child self, your teen self, your young adult self, and so on. Nothing is without what came before.

And who and what these sites have - and will - become has everything to do with who I have been before. It is my hope - and wish - that those who jump aboard see value in jumping aboard. That they see value in who I am and what I have accomplished thus far and want to be a part of it. 

Of course I could try to make myself sound impressive. Of course I could do all kinds of marketing manipulations. But the thing is...I only want to be who I am. And if there is no value in that I guess I will know soon enough. Until then I will keep doing my best to chug along, and if you want to join the train, it is my desire that there always be room for people with kind, open and generous hearts and spirits. If you're one of them, I hope you'll jump aboard.

Choo. Choo.

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