Not strolling.
Not walking at a fast pace.
I am working on many things that relate to the radio show, and have been replaying Irena Hart's song For You.
I love it.
The weird thing is, though, that in the background of my mind there is something that is running
around about how someone I know would probably hate it. I bet there are many who would (sorry
Irena :P).
I don't say this as a way to say is bad. I just say it as an observation about how we all are different.
I am reminded of that conversation in the funeral home. I am reminded about how I was told I should probably change/be different. I am reminded of my response.
And it all makes me think about the world we live in as a whole. If we walk around trying to have
everyone be a certain way, and trying to be as others think we should be, maybe we miss the point.
Maybe it is not about getting along because we are all the same, but maybe it is about getting along with an acknowledgement that we are different.
Maybe that is the real key to life - an appreciation of all things. It doesn't mean we need to take them on as our own. But we can still love and respect someone who varies from what we believe is "best."
I, of course, think this person could act differently. But who am I to decide that? That after all is what that person believes of me. And who are they to decide that?
It is bad enough when a stranger doesn't agree with us, but it can really hurt when someone close doesn't agree. I keep wondering WHY it hurts.
What I come to is the meaning that is behind the words. It can mean we aren't accepted. It can mean what we say isn't listened to, which can mean we are not heard.
What if a lot of problems we have in this world come from the actions of people who feel they aren't being heard?

What if life is a kind of school we attend? What if the degree to which we "pass" or "fail" is tied to our ability to be who we are meant to be in spite of the things that say we should be otherwise? What if life is just one big test to see if we can be who we really are?
There isn't much about life that makes much sense to me. Why in the world are we here? As crazy and as stressful as life can be why are we so scared to leave? Why are we so frightened by death?
We can make up all kinds of things, and we can say that there is no reason. But when I consider the things I have just said, it is one thing that kinda makes a bit of sense to me as much of life seems to be about our ability to stand up for who we are. And, more importantly, for it to be OK for us to be whoever that is. And that isn't for someone else to decide.
That is only something that we know.
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