

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Breast cancer Awareness Month

Several years ago, long before cancer ever touched me personally, I did a fundraising walk for an organization called SHARE in NYC. I wanted to do something to help others, and I even drafted several other people to do the walk with me and raise money. I thought I was doing good. I have to believe I was. But there was so much about cancer that I had no clue about until this past year. If I had known then what I know now, my inclination would not be to support an organization, unless I fully investigated them first. They would have to do more than sound good.

And even then, it would not be my first choice.

I have seen how too many people are hurting from the fallout of cancer and have no support. I have seen how so many I interact with figure there HAS to be support. There just HAS to be. There are too many organizations and companies that are supposed to help, right? Right?!


So many people give to organizations that have "cancer" in their name and SOUND like they would be helpful, but when it comes to someone who has to deal with cancer and really needs help, there is no one to turn to.

Today I saw the video below, and I am not happy about all of the kinds of things he talks about, either...but I mostly stay silent about them specifically, instead doing my best to educate people that things are nothing like they are led to believe. And the only reason I know it now is because I have a first hand awareness and knowledge of the fact that many people are bad places due to the repercussions of cancer with no help in sight while these types of organizations raise millions of dollars that never see the light of a cancer patient's day.

As I considered this, I thought of an alternative approach someone could take. It is interesting that it is called an "awareness" month. As if we aren't aware that breast cancer exists in a big way. I think what there needs to be a greater awareness of the plight of the individuals affected by the disease. I think there needs to be a greater awareness of the hardships and the impossible choices that come along with a diagnosis. And I am not just talking about the physical ramifications.

If you are seeing this, reading this blog entry, viewing the video, and the things make sense to you, and you have it in your heart to help, consider helping an INDIVIDUAL.

You may think that your contribution is better with a large fundraising effort, as it adds up to more, and you really think it can make a difference. But think about this: If you were a millionaire, and someone gave you a $1 would it have the same impact as if you had only $10.00? Which person do you think the contribution would mean more to?

Also consider the "adding up theory" when it comes to an individual. If you give $1 and 500 others do, too, that is $500. That could really make a difference for someone struggling to pay bills or even "just" eat.

If I could go back to the time I walked for SHARE, I would try to find someone in need and do everything I did for SHARE for that one person. I would do everything I could to raise money for them to get through their day-to-day life.

I am not saying that people shouldn't do what feels right to them. If contributing to an organization feels like the best route to take, please do so. However, having said that, I am also saying on behalf of the likely millions like me, please consider who you want to help, and see if that organization truly does what you want it to with your hard earned money. If you give, it's because you want it to help, so it would be good if it did more than pay for office furniture or gave someone a heftier paycheck, don't you think?

I am going to suggest that if you want to make a donation this upcoming month, you personally find someone in need and make them your cause. Yes. It will be more work, and it likely won't be tax deductible, but my guess is it will make your heart feel pretty damn good.

Thanks for listening/dropping by. Please feel free to share this with others. Much love to you.

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  1. There are several unscrupulous agencies that misappropriate donations; however, I do not believe that many donors take the time to verify before donating.

    Rachel recently posted If You Do Not Start, You Cannot Finish

  2. Interesting post and interesting video. Not sure what my take on it is...I guess I would feel better helping an individual especially after seeing how my sister suffered. Thanks for sharing.
