

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


This is the first piece I have done in about a month. The idea originated late last night, but what I had in mind, and what "emerged" weren't quite the same. Often, actually, that is the case. 

The original idea was that there was light in the dark. This still kinda works for that. In a way, the light could be emerging. By the time I was done, there was a lot of movement. It felt anything but passive. In some ways, it actually feels a bit chaotic to me.

I think it makes "sense" though given I am emerging from this damn chemo haze I have been in. Also, movement is rarely as neat and as clean as we might like, and want, it to be. Interestingly, I think it is also kind of cool that the middle part of the image could be a window or even a road, or maybe something else - like the shadowed reflection I saw on my wall last night. 

Maybe you even see something else?

I guess the "key" is that it isn't all dark or black or a dismal depiction. I would imagine there is still a part of me that wants to emerge, to be positive, to get to a place that expresses light. It sure can be a damn challenge, though. 

I do not like this once a month chemo, not one bit.

Another work is in the "hopper." It has a textured surface that needs to dry before I can begin to add the color. It really felt good to do the bit I did. I wonder how much more might be completed before I need the next treatment? There have been times I have really wondered if I would "find" the part of me that is expressive this way again. Sometimes I get scared she is lost. It doesn't help that physically I am not often able, on top of the way I feel creatively/emotionally.

So. Yay for a work completed. Yay to be able to visit with this part of me. 


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