

Monday, October 1, 2012

On Image

I have wondered if I should change my
public image here, and in other internet
places.  But I don't know what I would
change it to.

A friend said it should be my smile, as
that is pretty consistent image to image.

I am not really looking at my "professional"
self at the moment.  I am looking more at the
ME behind the persona.  And that me isn't one that can be limited at the moment.

If I was looking at my professional self, much of what I write would not have
been written.  I would have been too concerned about what you would think
of me and what I have said.  I also would have been consistent with how you
saw me, the images I shared.

At some point I will need to go back and be my "professional self," and I am not
sure how that will play out after all that I have posted and shared publicly.
There is no separation of "church" and "state."  If I was to ever seek out
employment, there is no way that I would be able to hide my history at this

My privacy is shot to hell in that regard.

It makes me uncomfortable.
It makes me nervous.

I really wasn't thrilled with broadcasting
my situation to the world.

At the same time,
it seems like
it was
what needed to happen.

That seems the logical thing to say, any way.

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