

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I had chemotherapy 2 days ago.

Today I woke up and don't feel so great.
I understood that it might take a bit before
I would feel any effects...I just wish they
were wrong - at least in my case.

It isn't great waking up with a rash.  It
wasn't even a symptom they warned me
about.  It wasn't even a symptom they
said I should call about.  It was a
SURPRISE!  Woo hoo.  I am also
feeling a bit nauseous.

Now I am wondering if I heard the
recording I made.  I am in the process
of making a second recording to help
reinforce the first one, since I do not
know how much of it I will be hearing
during my treatments.

This is certainly an adventure.  Prior
to this situation I rarely ever dealt with
doctors or medications.  My poor body
probably doesn't know what to make
of it all.

I am still hopeful.  I am still working on
working this out...but there have still
been tears of frustration.  This situation
is overwhelming at times.  There is too
much to do.  It is like a full time job.

I need an assistant.

I also need to find myself flowing with
my situation.  I don't want to fight it.
I suspect many symptoms come from
the resistance and fighting the situation.
I don't know that for certain, but it is
a hunch I have.

At some point today I have to get
myself to the drugstore and get a few
things to help with how I feel.  It is
hot as heck outside already.  I really
don't want to.  I am thinking of going
back to sleep if my body allows me to.

I am also thinking of making my new
recording, and listening to some healing
music.  I also need to make calls to
see if I can get some financial help,
among other things.

As you can tell, I am all over the place
at the moment.

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