

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Inspired Creativity

I really need to be going to sleep.

It has been a long day.

But first I wanted to share...

Earlier today I was talking to a friend
about "things."  This friend is trying
to figure out ways that we may be
able to help each other.

She is in the process of writing a book,
and happened, almost off-handedly, to
mention that she needs a cover for it.

She told me how she had asked others
to see what they might come up with,
but no one had done anything.  And
asked if I wanted to give it a shot, as
she has enjoyed the artistic work that
I have done.

I was a bit leery of trying to create what
she had in mind.  I have been creative
on occasion, but I wasn't sure about
creating something "on demand."

However I have been wanting to be
creative, and after she described what
she wanted, I figured I would give it
a shot.  I had nothing to lose.  Worst
case: she wouldn't like it.

After we got done talking, I got to
work.  I had something drawn pretty
quickly.  I then scanned it so I could
work on it in Photoshop.

When I do things in Photoshop, magic
happens when I play with the filters and
effects.  I often do not know what the
end result will be.  Many times it will
start out one way and become something
else - something I did not envision when
I began.

I had a feeling in mind when I started
to color things in.  And while it looked
OK, I started to fiddle with the filters,
and found myself with something that
I thought was amazing.

When I shared it with her, it turns out
that I included an element that she hadn't
even mentioned (she had forgotten to).

The more I look at the image, the more
symbolism that I see that was not
consciously intended/created.  The
image seems like it was created for ME.

I really feel inspired by it.

Given the nature of what she is writing
about, I will be even more thrilled if it
in some way inspires those who see it.
However I think it transcends the
particular subject of her writing.

I can't wait to share it.

Can you tell I am excited?

This leaves me wondering what to "do"
with this information.  Anything that
requires me to consciously use my brain
these days is VERY difficult.  It seems
as though those things done with my
right, creative, intuitive brain are done
with such incredible ease.

Problem is, we live in a world dominated
by the left, logical brain.

I don't want to end on a down note, so
I am just gonna say Yippie, Yahoo!

So VERY cool.

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