

Monday, September 10, 2012

Don't Worry...?

Worry is a complete cycle of inefficient thought revolving about a pivot of fear.  ~Unknown

In my continual challenge to learn and grow, 
whether I think I want to, or not, I find myself 
looking at things with different eyes than I used to.  

When I was first telling people about the diagnosis,
I was doing it in a way that I requested that instead
of worrying about me, they would, when thinking 
of me, send me good thoughts.

It became clearer to me than it ever was at that 
moment that worry was a concern over something
negative happening.  After all, we never worry that
something GOOD is going to happen.

Thinking of it that way made me realize that if anyone
was going to worry, they were only thinking about 
the worst possibilities.

Of course I realize that I can't control anyone's 
thoughts, and that it isn't the easiest thing to 
even control mine.  But it was a request that I made
in an effort to look at the better side of things in
any way possible.  

I have spent a lot of my life worried about things
needlessly.  It has only been in recent years I have
curbed it to some degree.  I wish I could say I have
ceased to be a worrier, but I am not sure it would
be anywhere close to accurate.  At the same time,
I could be heard to tell others that they shouldn't

Yes.  The irony isn't lost on me.
(But I would bet I am in good company).

So what to do with worry?  Why in the world is there
such a thing?  It occurs to me that perhaps it is just 
a way for us to connect with something in a meaningful 
way.  After all, if we are worried about things not 
going right, or are worried about the loss of something,
we value it.  And, as with most anything (if not everything?),
we have a choice about the perspective we choose to
come from. 

So we can choose to value from a fear of loss, or
we can choose to value from a standpoint of appreciation
for what we currently do have.

Of course, it often seems much more easily said than done.
But if it is OK with you (if you find yourself in the worrier
camp in my case) given this conversation, can we shoot 
for the latter?  I ask you to do no more than what I am 
shooting for myself, and that is to give it your best shot. 

It sure does sound better to me to know that you 
appreciate me for being here now than you spending 
your energies worried about when I might be leaving.  

(By the way, I have been told I can't
go anywhere any time soon, any way.  So you probably
have been worrying for nothing). 

One last thing:

As I was thinking of writing this blog, I thought of the 
song below.  Thought it would be a good *note* to
end on. :)

So don't worry.  Be happy.  NOW!  LOL.

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