I have semi-resisted taking and sharing these pictures because of how bad it looks to me - and how embarrassed I am by it. But after what happened today, and how I am feeling. I decided I would document it.
The boxes you see have papers in them that need to be sorted out and organized. It includes medical bills as well as all kinds of other things, given that I have to save most things, being self-employed.

The rug curled on the chair is there until I can put it down again (you might remember one of the cats had peed all over it. It was put there after being washed, and hasn't moved). As you can see there are papers on the two chairs as well as several on the desk. It is a big mess.
And yes, I could do one thing at a time to make it better. But with all of the other things I need to do, and how I feel, it is pretty much impossible to get started - or to even remember to do. I am NOT asking for help or comments or anything. I am only sharing and documenting the mess that is my life right now.