

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Scan Anxiety (MRI)

This article talks about the idea that interior design could help mitigate MRI AnxietyWhile I found it interesting, I wondered if they were going to say they had a design on the inside if the machine. THAT I would think might have a greater impact than what came before or after. You could be really calm and peaceful, but then when you hear a fire alarm blaring, it pretty much would be a miracle if any of the calm remained.

I wonder if they ever considered putting images on the inside. I wonder if it would mess with the reading at all? I would think something would be possible, but who knows what I don't know?

I think, though, that it is the internal mechanisms that need the most attention. Nothing in and of itself carries any weight of meaning. It is what we bring to it, and it is internally driven.

After my MRI, I was determined to make a recording that could help people do more than endure their experience. I created an approximate 30-minute recording that I have decided to offer for free. However, if one listens to it, and finds value, a contribution of some sort would be greatly appreciated. You can get more information here.

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  1. Thank you for the opportunity to connect and your 30m recording sounds a wonderful gift. This will be extremely beneficial to those that would like to understand more about the MRI.

  2. What a wonderful idea! I think you are on to something here! Maybe if there were scenes of fluffy kittens or beautiful flowers inside there wouldn't be so much anxiety?!
    My wheels are turning!
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you for sharing..I can not stand having an MRI done..My anxiety levels become very high even though I am not closterfobic. Thanks again

    1. You're welcome. If you have used it, I hope it helped!

  4. I have never had an MRI but I could image it'd be super nerve-wracking! Your idea is a good one I wonder if they'll ever implement something like that.

    1. Wondering who "they" are? Anyone could certainly choose to listen to the recording.
