

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Well...My Health Insurance Plan is...


Actually, it will die a slow and intentional death until December 31, when it takes its last gasp.

I can't stop thinking about how Obama said if you like your plan, you can keep it. He didn't put any asterisks, he didn't say there would be exceptions. He flat out said an inaccurate thing. Many who are not a fan of the plan will likely be picking up on that, too.

The fact is, though, for as much as I am annoyed and concerned and inconvenienced and scared, I still don't know where things will fall. For all I know, this could be a good thing in the end. After all, I am paying $670 a month for my insurance now. If I can have anything close to what I have when all is said and done, I will be sighing a big sigh of relief. I figure that I am more than likely to get a better deal when things are wrapped up, but until I get there, I have big time concerns.


While I may not be happy with the mis-statement, I am still hopeful that in the end this will be a good thing. Too many are in trouble, and there hasn't been much in the way of help for those who fall into the middle zone. I thought about getting Medicaid once before in my life, but as little as I made, I made too much. In addition, with a diagnosis of cancer, my options for other plans were not only limited, they were non-existent.

Someone quite assuredly said that I should be able to get Medicaid easily with my situation. Well, not really. And it, for a myriad of reasons, hasn't been the route I have wanted to go. It will - unless it proves to be a good thing - be a choice of last resort. I don't want to pay more than I have to for insurance, but then there are ways one can be penny-wise and pound foolish. Some choices could potentially cost me more in other ways. It might make sense to pay more for insurance, but when all things factored in, it could wind up costing me less.

I wish I knew more. But right now the only site that seems to be able to give me information is taking forever to load. I imagine it has a lot of people trying to access it. I am doing my best to stay calm. It's not like knowing this moment is better than knowing in a moment tomorrow, or a moment in the next day.

But it is nerve-racking, none-the-less. The not knowing will get ya every time.

Anyone else reading this going through something similar? Any good stories to tell?

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  1. I am not sure what to think about Obama and his heath plan. I do know I have heard a lot of people say there premiums have gone up costing more money every month. I also know that as someone who is self employed and doesn't carry insurance I think it is unfair. I don't feel like we should be forced to buy health insurance if we can't afford it. I go to the doctor once a year and pay out of pocket. If I need to go more than I go to urgent care and pay out of pocket. I can't afford to buy health insurance. Great post

    1. I wish I knew what "the" answer was. A friend of mine points out that everyone who owns a car is required to have insurance, and the same with homeowners. As a renter, I was required to have insurance, too. Many of those who pay the insurance never have a use for it, either. Not to say that anything is right/wrong, just an observation as they are In some way sort of the same thing. Any which way it goes, at least for a while now, it surely does seem to suck.

  2. I understand your concern...I don't have any insurance and have not had any for over five years. Not something I could afford. We will see if there are truly options available when this all unfolds. Until then we both just need to breathe deep...and believe that what we need will appear.

    1. Good luck with your situation. I am sure it is nerve racking for someone like yourself, too.

  3. Health care is one of my hot button issues and yes, it affects me a great deal. I am considered "uninsurable" by the current system and pay nearly as much as you do only for me. I am now unable to make any changes in my policy (like adding my kids) because I would have to go through underwriting and would then not be approved. I have done con siderable research and though it is angering and unbelievable, it is true. I am not sure what I think of Obamacare as I have heard a lot of mis-information. I am currently going through the real information so I can know for sure (and even then I think it will be subject to change) I wish you the best.

    1. Kelly...the amount I said is only for me, too. Thanks for weighing in. It is hard to know what to think of a plan none of us know much about. My hope is that it is such a success we all look back and wonder what the fuss was all about. Wishful thinking, maybe, but a girl can hope. The best to you, too.

  4. I don't know what the impact will be. I only know that the system as we have known it for too many years has failed a great many people. My mother also falls in to the makes just a "little" too much to qualify for many of the programs in their current form. I am covered under my husbands plan through work and I know that even before Obamacare, each year premiums have increased, copays have increased, services have decreased. I have also witnessed an incredible amount of waste in the medicare system. Thank you so much for sharing this post! I think we all need to offer out thoughts in such a constructive manner! If you care to read my mothers story and the results we have dealt with I'd love to share it with you!

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and blog. I look forward to reading more. You write very well. And should you want to guest blog, just say the word. :)

  5. I realized last year it was going to be difficult to keep the same insurance when my husband's insurance at work kicked me off since I was eligible at my company. So now Mom gets to manage more than one insurance card and keep the family separate and straight from hers. It's more paperwork every year as well since they announced all of this. More of shifting all the paperwork to us. I almost need to pay an administrator just to do all of it and keep up with what goes where and how to make sure it's all filed to pay the least, get money back if needed etc. I have a bad feeling it is only going to get worse before it gets better. And I don't have the additional fear of a significant health issue currently (I'm not asking for it either). However my daughter has been being treated since 8 months of age for a non-life threatening illness. I know they were trying to help, but what we really needed was insurance reform since that is what seems to be driving costs up the most. I will wait with the rest of us to see how this all shakes out. Thank you for sharing.


    1. Thanks for your contribution. I have a hard enough time keeping track of my own stuff, can't imagine what it must be like for you. Hope it shakes out in a good direction for all of us.
