

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Today is the Day

I woke up way too early today. Part of it may have been my concern about my car key. I gave it to my friend last night, forgetting that I need my car chargers. It would have sucked to forget them, as much as I will be on the road.

Am I ready for this trip?

As ready as I can likely be. I have no idea what is ahead of me. But that is no different than the rest of life. It just is that we have the illusion that we think we know.

The "race" of the last several days is over. I wasn't able to do all that I wanted. At some point things had to be "good enough."

A few things you should know about the trip:

Anything I plan is subject to change. At a moment's notice. And odds are good, I think, that it will happen - a lot.

Videos may be one of the biggest ways I stay in touch. If you haven't yet seen GotStressGetRelief.com, you may want to. 2 videos from the last 2 days are posted there, but have not been referenced here yet.

I will not be taking a computer. It will make me simplify things, and there may be more typos than average, as I won't really be typing, and I may be tired as I am planning to drive approximately 4000 miles, am crossing 3 timezones, and will need to deal with a time change, too - sort of like crossing into a 4th zone.

Doesn't sound like much, does it?

Facebook.com/relatingtocancer will be one of the main places info will be posted. If you haven't found the page yet, you may want to. I have asked a couple of people to post there for me, as necessary. 

I am not yet sure what role this blog will play in the journey, however, I cannot see taking the trip and not doing exactly what I am doing right now. 

(If you believe in what I am doing, please share about my trip on Twitter and Facebook...help me get the word out).

I will be doing my radio show on the road, and have asked Cindy Carter of the CancerSupportFoundation.org to join me on a show, but nothing is definite yet. 

Sherri Robbins is graciously allowing me to use a song of hers as my trip theme song. I hope to have it on mp3 at some point, but if you want to listen to it until then, you can hear it at the end of my radio show featuring Sherri (click banner above for link/file).

I have tried to make the page the banner links to at the top a resource if info about the trip, so if you have any questions, you can hopefully find the answers there. 

So many facets of this trip are going to be less than ideal. But I also suspect it has the ability to surpass whatever I think is possible.

I hope you will join me. You can reach me through the Facebook page, and ny contact info is linked through the right column. If you would like to donate, info though clicking the banner at the top of the page. I still have not yet raised the funds needed for this trip. I will still need more as I go. My biggest concern/expense at this point will be places to stay.

The current estimated route is Savanaah, Jacksonville, west to Texas, north to Austin and Ft Worth, Santa Fe, LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle.

Any questions? I have answers. I just wonder if any will fit your question, lol.

As soon as I am done here, I will want to go back to sleep for a bit, but I suspect I will start doing stuff, and then I will be off on my adventure. Thank you to those of you who have supported me in any way. It is appreciated in a way that transcends any words I could come up with. Please know I appreciate everything, even if I do not thank you. It is my intention to thank those who help, but with everything that is going on, I suspect things will slip through the cracks.

When I return, I will come back to a miracle or some serious, potentially life threatening - likely life altering - choices. While a part of me is aware of that, I am now going to do my best to be in each and every moment and enjoy those I meet and connect with along the way.

Yesterday someone told me that many people do not have an opportunity like this. They live every day like there is always a tomorrow, getting caught up in the stuff of life. The end can come all too soon with no warning. Even though, as I think about it, life itself has a built-in warning system. We just tend to ignore or mute it.

Why do I tell you this? Good question.

I suspect part of it is that I am grateful for my reawakened awareness and ability to act. The other part might be more for you. I was told last night that a lack of listening to the smaller messages in my life is what gave me this bigger one. I am not sure what I think of it, but I certainly don't feel like I could rule it out. Even still, I cannot help but wonder if what is happening is exactly what was supposed to for reasons I may never know or understand. Being diagnosed with cancer is a big enough thing alone, but the escalation of things certainly brings everything - and me - to a whole new level.

And with that...I am off.

"The rest of my life is the best of my life." - Louise Hay