Since going "back to work" I have been using
my pre-diagnosis business cards. They had an
image with me that is now outdated. I liked
image with me that is now outdated. I liked
that image, too...but it isn't how I am any more.
In addition, the cards had nothing about the "new"
me and the things that I am working on
I hadn't wanted to spend any money on getting
new cards when I already had some, and was
wanting to conserve. But I am running out.
I am guessing that is a good sign. It means people
have my card. Almost 250, to be exact. Or they
had my card, and now their circular filing system
has it, lol. Either way, I soon won't have any left.
For that reason, I designed my new card, and thought
I would share. It probably has too much info on it.
But at least I have a card I can give out. I have a few
events coming up, and having a card will be pretty
important, since I don't have any other materials to
put out.
One side, as you can see has all of my contact info
and image, and has my "cumulative" self. The other
side has my "relating to cancer" self. The good thing
is that I think the card can function either way.
Btw, it occurs to me to tell you that if you need
something designed, and you like what I have done,
maybe I can design something for you. If that interests
you be in touch, and we can talk about it (You can use
the email address on the card to be in touch. Please
just put "business card/rtc" in the subject line, thanks).
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