

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 7: Brian Hernandez Burial Cost Fund

Based on my 30 Days 30 Causes 30 Dollars blog entry I went looking for my Day7 $1 donation opportunity, and found the Brian Hernandez Burial Cost Fund

Brian died of Luekemia this month, and his family is seeking to raise $10K for his burial.As I looked at this, I wondered how many people would look at the scenario and think, "Well, they should have had life insurance," or think that he doesn't deserve to be buried a certain way, if they cannot afford it.

While both things might be true, there are all kinds of reasons why they didn't have what they needed. Who is anyone to sit back and make a judgment about another? It could be some - like me - wish they had known they could get an insurance policy that covers being diagnosed with cancer. Or kicks themselves for being so caught up in life and trying to make things work, did not investigate some helpful option before disaster struck.

Does that mean another shouldn't help, if they can? I hardly think that should ever be the case.If one doesn't want to help, don't. But don't do it while sitting on a high horse. People don't always know what they don't know. And even when they do know, it doesn't always mean they can do something about it. And even if they can do something about it, we all make mistakes. Some of us just get more lucky in that we don't make the kinds of mistakes that require the help of others which may or may not be offered in conjunction with harsh condemnation and judgment.

Finding this journey of 30 Days. 30 Causes. 30 Dollars. is bringing out some very interesting blog posts. How much really goes into the choices we make or don't make? It would seem there is an awful lot. How much of it is unconscious and goes unnoticed/unaddressed?

My guess? A lot.

If you know of any people in need, please let me know. I will be posting about them here as well as at DollarDifference.com. Still am behind over there...I'll manage to catch up, eventually, or change my mind.

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