I am writing this to complement a GoFundMe page that I created to be in conjunction with a benefit that Ken Newman is holding for me next Friday.
Here is a link to that page.

I want to thank Ken and Michael Banks for their efforts on my behalf, as well as the drummer - Mario Ornelas - who will be there entertaining alongside Ken.
I also want to thank anyone who takes the time to come by and see what I am about, and helps out. I know situations like this suck. I know all too well, unfortunately. I appreciate the goodness of people who are willing to help. Please know that every dollar really does count. So many people tell me they can't help because they think a little won't matter, and they don't have a lot to give. If 4,000 people saw this and each gave $1.00, I would have $4,000. Things have a way of adding up.
To help, you can choose from:
Paypal, GoFundMe and Cedonaah
(Details for each below)
For GoFundMe click the image below
Choose Your Paypal Option Below:
(There is a lower fee here)
As an alternative, you can click here,
and enter the email address ThankYouATJoLoPeDOT.com
(spelled that way to try to avoid spammers - use regular @ and . symbols)
and enter whatever number your heart desires :)
As an alternative, you can click here,
and enter the email address ThankYouATJoLoPeDOT.com
(spelled that way to try to avoid spammers - use regular @ and . symbols)
and enter whatever number your heart desires :)
Cedonaah (Wallpaper Images)
You can also check out Cedonaah
(Wallpapers for free, but you can donate
for ones you like - if you like)
I appreciate you helping however you can. Even after Ken's event, the GoFundMe page will still be up. You can help further by sharing the GoFundMe page and/or this blog with anyone and everyone online and offline and personally asking people to please take a look and see if I am someone they would be willing to help.
I once thought it would be interesting to have a movie plot in which the main character lives or dies by the amount of support that she summons for the work she does in the world. If she didn't get enough support, then her days would be numbered. I would not want to be that character. However I would like to think that if what I do and who I am and what I represent in the world seems to be of value, and it is something that resonates for you - you will see a reason to help me get back on my feet.
For those who do not know me the following will explain my situation and thoughts as to why I am seeking your help in this way. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last year. As a result, it has eaten most of my savings and zapped me of precious energy. Because I have worked for myself the last 12+ years, it has also left me in a place of trying to rebuild my business.
I was fortunate to be living with a friend when the diagnosis struck. And at first, I was still paying him rent. But it became painfully clear after a time that it wasn't going to be possible. As a result, I have been living rent free for several months. In addition, I never had to worry about electricity or gas or other utility expenses. I have also had access to great internet service, which has been invaluable in terms of me staying in business with videos and my radio show, and he has helped in regard to many of life's basic necessities.
I am grateful that I have managed my monthly insurance premium which currently is almost $700 a month. However, I have had other bills and my weekly food bill has been pretty high as I have done everything I can to eat the best possible foods in an attempt to stay as healthy as possible.
It has been with the generosity of others that I have gotten as far as I have. However, even with chemo over, the shadow of the effects of cancer and treatment remain, and I have a distance to go to get back on my feet.
And I must now move.
If you have ever moved, you know there are costs involved, whether it is a moving truck, movers, storage...always more than you anticipate.
In addition, when you apply to live somewhere there is very often an application fee, a deposit, and a need to check your taxes and your income.
I have not filed my taxes yet for the last two years, and last year I didn't make much at all, certainly not enough to pay for a place to live. The odds of me getting in somewhere are probably slim to none, especially since I cannot afford rent.
When I moved in with my friend I had furniture that I kept because it ain't cheap to replace. I could get rid of it, but then I would have to replace it. I could get a room somewhere, and store it, but then I run the risk of paying for something that might get ruined.
Given my current state of health, I need the best possible environment to heal. Ideally I would like to be in my own place. By being in my own place, I will have my own space and I will be able to continue to work as best as I am able - which will hopefully get better in time, the farther away I get from chemo.
Fingers are crossed, as I do what I can to stay on the right side of healthy, that I continue to stay away from surgery and treatment.
I know it is a lot to ask that you help me live in the next year. But I will do everything I can to make it worth your efforts. I am a hypnotist, and can share my recordings and do sessions. I am a life coach and can do coaching. I am creative and have images that you could use for your projects. I know some things about the internet and might be someone you could talk to about what is possible. I am a writer and blogger, as well as a radio show host, and have those resources that can be harnessed and utilized.
There are a variety of possibilities and options so that you don't have to feel like you are giving your money away, but rather trading it for something you want and/or could be helpful to you or someone you know.
If you want to help and want something in exchange that isn't listed, you can certainly contact me to discuss the possibility. I would much rather have worked for the money than to have to ask for it this way.
Because it would likely be virtually impossible to get into my own place at this point, I have decided to try this route to raise enough money to pay just my living expenses in the next year. I will still have to find a way to pay for my insurance and food and other things, so the amount I am asking for will only cover costs related to moving and utilities and rent. However, if I am fortunate enough to get more than I am asking for, you will help me relieve the tremendous amount of stress and burden that I have/feel.
By raising a year's worth of rent, I would approach a rental place and offer to pay a year's rent in advance and ask them to allow me to live there. I figure it would cover them and me for a year's lease. I could go for less, but given my lack of energy and all of the expenses in moving, and the guarded state of my condition, it makes more sense to do it this way than to have to pick up and move again - especially if I wind up having to have surgery or chemo again.
Even if I don't make it to the goal amount, the money you give me will help with whatever comes next, or help me pay another month's medical insurance premium. It is not like I want to take a vacation or buy some expensive jewelry or clothes. This is about me being able to live. It is about me being able to do what many of you reading this likely take for granted.
I have been posting in this blog since Day 1 (there are almost 600 blog entries as of this writing). You are welcome to look around and see things for yourself. There are 70+ videos in addition to the text blogs. You will get a sense of what I have been going through. It is the good/the bad/the ugly. I have also offered to show records to anyone who feels that s/he needs proof. I am all too aware of the scammers (who often get a lot more help than I do) out there.
I have also been asked more than once about writing a book. I finally think I know what approach I can take, and have begun. If I meet the goal, I will do all that I can to get the book written in the next year and will send a PDF version to anyone who donates $25 or more. If I exceed what I am asking for by $5,000, I will send everyone who donates $100, or more, a hard copy of the book.
I am struggling with how to "market" myself. I don't want to. I have dealt with an illness and I need help. I have done the best I can, but unfortunately need help. Fortunately I have learned that it is best to ask for things. You never know when someone might say yes and be able to be of assistance.
So many people have told me that I inspire them. If you find yourself inspired by me and my story, or even if you just feel like helping might be something you could do, I ask you to donate a minimum of $5.00 through GoFundMe (If you want it to go farther, you can send a payment through Paypal - which you can do at any time. You can use ThankYouATSYMBOLJoLoPe.com for the address to send it to.) and even go a step further and share this with everyone you know.
I need 4000 people to donate $5 to meet my goal. I would imagine that between those who see this and their extensions - and friends - and followers - there will be at least that many sets of eyes that could potentially see this.
I know I am asking a lot. You work hard for your money and you might prefer to have that Starbucks coffee rather than help me. I get it. But that coffee will be gone in no time. What you can do by helping me is to have the potential to help others, as well.
I am willing to speak about something that touches many, but few are willing or able to talk about. I am willing to ruffle feathers. I am willing to put myself out there. If you have ever known anyone who has dealt with cancer, it is quite possible I could be in some part speaking for them. If you ever have to deal with cancer, it is possible I will be speaking for you. I can almost guarantee you that a diagnosis of cancer means so much more than you could possibly imagine, and there are many things that NEED to be addressed.
Statistics say 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will be affected by cancer in their lifetime.
We need this conversation.
Thank you so much for your time and efforts. I hope if you are ever in need, the goodness of people will be there to support you, and may cancer never come a-knocking.
PS If you know someone who is dealing with cancer, maybe I can help. You can view Relatingtocancer.com for details.
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