

Friday, February 22, 2013

Another Important Time Sensitive Request

Another important message from Cindy Carter (of the
Cancer Support Foundation), this time regarding bills
that are going through the Maryland State Senate.

You can contact any and all of the Senators, if you are
a Maryland Resident. However, even if you just do your
Senator, that would be a help.

Below the info, I am including some other things that
Cindy had to say.

This is important "stuff." Even if you don't think it matters
to you, it could matter at some point. Even if you don't
live in Maryland, you can still pass this message along.


You never know how what happens here for the good
could come to your state. The states tend to watch each
other. This is really good news, but it is far from being

Please act on it.

Please also see the info about the state House Bill as
well. Click Here.


From Cindy:

Be part of a history making event for cancer families!!!!!!! The hearing date for both HB955(SB888) Temporary Disability Ins and HB1137(SB898) Social Services Process Review will be heard March 13 on the Senate side. Since both are heard by the same committee this is just one call. Please call the senator's offices and say that you support SB 888 and SB 898 to help cancer families. Here is the list of the senators.

The house bill numbers are different from the senate bill numbers so see the numbers again below.

I________support SB888 (Temporary Disability Ins Task Force) and SB898 (Social Services Task Force) for cancer families.

Senator Middleton 410-841-3616 District 28
Senator Astle 410-841-3578 District 30
Senator Garagiola 410-841-3169 District 15
Senator Glassman 410-841-3603 District 35
Senator Kelly 410-841-3606 District 10
Senator Kittleman 410-841-2671 District 9
Senator Klausmeier 410-841-3620 District 8
Senator Mathias 410-841-3645 District38
Senator Muse 410-3092 District 26
Senator Pipkin 410-841-3639 District 36
Senator Pugh 410-841-3656 District 40

If you have any questions about what is going on, and want to help, I am sure Cindy would be happy to answer them. Please do what you can. This type of help is so needed, and it is one of those things you don't know until you need to know, unless something like this tells you about it. You really don't ever want to be someone who is in the kind of predicament many are, due to cancer.

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