

Friday, February 22, 2013

Homemade Decongestant (Recipe/Resource)

For a while now I have been very interested in stuff
that you make yourself. I think it is better in that there
are no preservatives, and you have a better idea of
what is going in and on your body.

For years I would make everything recipe-wise from
scratch when I could. One of my sisters could never
understand why. I just always thought, among other
things, it tasted better.

Any way, in that spirit, I share with you something
that I came across today, thanks to one of my Facebook
friends. It is a do it yourself recipe for a decongestant
that sounds pretty potent.

You can check out the homemade decongestant here.

I'd love to know how it works for you if you make it/
use it!

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