It wasn't long. It was still on the short side, about shoulder length.
But it was soft, silky,beautiful.

something like how it looked in this
picture from 2006ish.
Someone told me that she thought it was
amazing. She even reached out to touch it.
I don't think it was quite what I wanted it
to be. I think it was still baby fine, but I
think I might have thought it better than
what I had, and I was really happy to have
it "back."
The woman asked me something about it,
but I don't remember what the question was. But my answer was
along the lines of how I had had chemo and how it was just now
growing back. I could see how uncomfortable she was after I said it.
She even moved away. She went from being up close and friendly to
closed off and removed.
I also remember that the left side of my head had a bald spot. It, I
think, surprised me. I think the left side is our unconscious side.
So maybe there is something missing unconsciously that I have
become aware of it being missing? But I have no clue what that
could be, or if that even makes sense.
There were other things going on in that dream. But I don't really
remember what they were. I think part of it, though, was someone
taking a long time to do something while another was off doing a
whole bunch of somethings. I? couldn't believe the contrast, or
they couldn't. I don't remember which. Maybe both. I think we
had been in a long line waiting on someone to be done with
something. It seemed to be taking longer than it should have been.
Not sure what to make of the rest of the dream, but here's hoping it
is a sign of things to come in regard to my hair.
Yup. I guess we are back to my hair. Oh goodie. LOL.
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