

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl Sunday: The Big Game (that is not, for me)

I saw this article about the families of the players
being invited to be with the teams playing the 
Super Bowl.  What has been considered by some
to be a distraction in the past apparently is viewed
by these two coaches as a good thing.

I, for one, love the human element to the story.  I
am no where near the TV as the game plays, though.
My friend was laughing at me for not knowing where
they were playing.  My friend laughs at me a lot when
it comes to football.

My knowledge of the game was stunted at an early
age.  You see, as a child I was interested in baseball.
I loved the Mets.  I got to know the players and the
game (more or less).  I was quite actively invested.

I never showed much interest in football, though,
until 8th grade.  In 8th grade there was a boy I liked.
His name was Doug, and he was into football.

Since I knew nothing of the game I turned to my
grandfather who taught me what I knew of baseball,
and started to ask him about football.  We didn't get
very far when he says to me, "what is there a boy you
like, or something?"


He wasn't supposed to know.  I was so embarrassed,
I didn't ask any more about the game.  The best I knew
was that you had 4 tries to make a touchdown.  Yes.
I know that it is 4 tries to go 10 yards, but for years I
didn't know any better.

So that is my experience with the game.  Over the years
I have thought about getting into it more, but I have to
admit to not really being interested in watching those
who play potentially hurt themselves.

And that is why while many are watching the game, I
am sitting here, typing this.

Go Ravens!

(I have to at least support the local team.)

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