I had given him this several years ago, along with a few other hand
crafted things.
I have a very creative side to me, and have made various types of things
over the years. The picture below is one that I made for another friend
in 2011.

I had made the hanging Joy Love Peace below several years ago.
A friend at the time said I should make more of them and sell them.
I tried making a few, but they didn't seem to go very far.

I would love to be creative. I would love to sell the things I make.
While I like my friend's idea to make these types of things and sell
them, the idea is stressful for me.
It involves taking energy I don't have and money I don't have to
create something that I don't know that people would buy.
I am trying my best to FOCUS. I am trying to put my energy in
one direction, and I have to admit to not knowing what the heck
to do.
I need to make money now.
Every time I say that I am aware of others who don't have money
either, and have a need. But this isn't the same thing. Not to take
away from them, but I have spent the better part of the last year
dealing with something that has affected me every which way.
I am still challenged by the treatment, on top of everything else.
So it's the same - and yet, it is not.
And that is why I would hope that somewhere along the line
there will be someone, somewhere who will help me. Someone,
somewhere who will see potential, and help me get some room
to move. Someone, somewhere who will see how I want to help
others, and help me find my way out of this survival mode I am in.
I have so much to offer, and so much that I do offer. I just need
to find a way to make some money if I can't get donations. And
I would be more than happy to make some of these types of things
if I thought people would be interested in making a donation to
get one of them.
I just don't know.
I am spending every bit of energy in doing what I can to increase
the number of people who come here. There were 3000 hits last
month at last count, and there have been approximately 200 per
day the last several days.
Why do I care about that?
Because if I know people are coming here, then it might give what
I have to say a bit more credence. It might get the attention of those
it can help. It might help get my story out. It might help others.
It might help people to believe that advertising here is a worthy
thing to do.
I have so much I want to do.
And I can't do it all while I make no money at any of it.
Something has to give.
Someone has to give.
Something has to give.
I am going to break. Soon.
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